I finally saw the movie "Her" a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. The color and composition in that movie is astounding no matter where you stop. I scrubbed through the entire film and grabbed a handful of screenshots to study from. I'm color picking with these more as an exercise in seeing if I can get the lighting to appear correctly. I'll definitely do more of these.

Recently discovered Johannes Helgeson while looking for new art and inspiration and this guy is incredible. My goals and sights of what kind of art I'd like to make are always changing but I'm certainly going to try to implement some of the stuff he's doing with his work. Oddly enough, through his work I found out about Shaddy Safadi's Digital Painting videos which are phenomenal. Definitely worth checking out.
Same here, loved the colors throughout the film! Color/comp studies are so fun, keep going, these are really nice! :D To me, it's the perfect excuse to experiment with layer blending modes while painting and also use adjustment settings like color balance to help with contrast/mood, to give some personal touch :)